Thursday, May 31, 2012

What I learned so far in ECIS 462

Looking back at what I learned so far, I would say that there's a lot to cover. I would just sum it up into a few parts, to make it short. Firstly, I learned about the future of interactive marketing, how in today's world it has taken a huge step forward in better serving customer's needs and wants. The most important thing to look out for in a business, is building healthy relationships with customers; allowing them to easily navigate for themselves and letting them self-select. An example would be to implement a customizable user-interface that gives customers a whole different kind of experience. So far, we know that having a successful business requires giving the customers a memorable experience, we are selling that to them, therefore, we should make a good first impression to maximize the whole process. Specifically all that relates to the strategy of CORE, Customizing customer experience, Optimizing decisions and processes, Responding to changing marketing conditions, and Empowering staff and customers to advocate for you.

Secondly, I learned that in Internet Marketing, you have to build interesting and compelling content, while attentively listening to your customers. Nowadays, customers are pickier than ever due to the excessive amount of advertisements that clutter their minds and make it hard to choose, they want the best content and what's attractive to them. We as marketers have to take on that challenge and get the customers' attention. Being able to give them a clear and simple message when we advertise and clearly show the 80/20 rule,that we care for them and are not solely pursuing for-profit commercially. We need to hear their feedback, regardless of whether it is positive or negative, be able to turn it around and improve. I also learned and analyzed my client's Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. I now understand just how important and influential these sites have become to the marketing and business world.

Lastly, I learned how to effectively reconcile an Internet Marketing Plan for my client, Big Fish Games, Inc. I learned about their strategies in implementing their marketing efforts. How they are in the lead and ahead of their competitors, and recommend what to improve upon. I see that they have a consistent and strong customer base. I also learned about how mobile marketing is the wave of the future, as the mobile market is emerging rapidly. It is seemingly important to consider implementing mobile apps for companies in order to conveniently appeal to new consumers.

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