Thursday, May 10, 2012

Three Takeaways From Reading

Exchange has to be attractive to audience.  I used to be a smoker. Let me confess that I smoked from 15 to 22, and now it has been three years after I quitted. I even have a chronic headache, and I used to believe that smoking helps not to get it.  It just because smoking helped me of short-term stress from not smoking.  Every time I stopped smoking for a while, headache comes and made me smoke although every time I smoked got the situation worse.  My father used to be a smoker, but he told me he quitted when he had me. Therefore, he used to tell me that, “Kenji, please stop smoking. It’s going to kill you.”  However, I ignored him, and kept telling myself that I can quit anytime after 30 years old.  After I move to Seattle, I started realizing that smokers have no right in the U.S. because even now, we can smoke everywhere in Japan, but here.  I was talking to my best friend, Matt, and asked him why he quitted smoking.  “It’s no more cool to smoke, Kenji. It smells bad, and not many girls like that.”  After three months, I finally quitted smoking thanks to Matt.
And, Here is my favorite TV ad for anti-smoking cigarettes.

 Segmentation was also interesting.  The example that women who are no longer have children and women who are still raising children have different perspective about taking regular mammogram for prevention of breast cancer.  I really wanted to know the answer, which one wanted to take the test more, because I do not know how the moms think. Because they are still raising their kids, they need to live longer, or they have no time to take the test because bringing up kids take too much time.
I think I can apply this idea to anything.  There are many kinds of man in their 30s.  Although they are all same generation, men who are in their 30s would have totally different taste on anything by multiple variables, such as if they had children, if they were vegetarians, if they liked to drink and smoke, if they liked to excise, if they liked to play video games, and so on.  We always have to be aware of this not to make mistakes.

The concepts of both Relationship Marketing (RM) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) were very interesting.  It is cheaper to keep the current customers than getting new customers, and it relates to the idea of interactive marketing through social media.  Building brand up with customers, and it is the market that lasts long.  For example, I like to buy Organics salad pack. Its Fresh Herb Salad is my favorite, and it is always in my refrigerator.  However, it actually changed the ratio of herbs these days; it used to have lots of cilantro and parsley, but now the amount of them a tiny bit.  It is easy to imagine that organics product managers found out that its customers did not like too much smelly herb although the old ratio was better to me.  Listening to customers are the most important to keep the sales.  I think I should call them soon.

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