Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hunting for deals

Think about it, what is one of the main advantages of online shopping? 

In my opinion, price comparison. Everyone should know about one-day-a-deal sites such as woot.com, logicbuy.com or dodtracker.com; these sites have daily deals going on, which are often times up to 70-80% cheaper than the actual price in retail stores. Moreover, in the recent years, major online retailers such as Amazon and eBay have added a section where they sell items many times cheaper than the actual price for a limited time.

Why do I mention this? I am a self-proclaimed deal hunter; I like looking for awesome deals and even though I might not buy the product, knowing that there is specific sites for a specific types of items satisfies my "hunter cravings". When I find myself in need of - let's say, some apparel, I know Whiskey Militia always have deals going on; if I need to buy parts to upgrade my desktop with, I know that NewEgg might have something I could use.

Even though the shopping experience might not be much (except for click and check-out), the price justifies the experience. Maybe finding that particular site with the particular item I was looking for was a good experience in itself.

Following are some of the sites I frequently visit.


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