Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Video Content Recommendations for Goodwill Seattle

In my previous posts I had determined that although Goodwill does have video content, there are still big opportunities for growth and expansion. One of these opportunities would be for Goodwill to expand on its success stories of people who have gone through the programs that they offer and are now living prosperous lives. Currently these success stories are found on Goodwill's website and are one of the great ways to communicate to people the great work happening because of the programs Goodwill offers. These stories really inspire and motivate people to donate to Goodwill but as of right now I can only find a few of them. I think that engaging in a video series highlighting the successes of people in Goodwill programs would do very well in raising awareness for the cause.

While researching YouTube for ways these success stories could work I stumbled upon videos by the branch of Goodwill in Iowa. These are very simple and basic videos that although do convey a story of success, did not quite grab my emotions and inspire and motive me. I think that for a video series to work it needs to make me relate to it. This is a great example of something that relates to me. The message of this video is something that I am very familiar with and it is something which everyone can relate to.

The kinds of emotions and inspiration in the Michael Jordan video are what I would want to see in a video campaign from Goodwill. There is a challenge for creating something like that in the context of Goodwill in that the people they help most likely do not have the fame and star power that Michael Jordan has. Where Michael Jordan is almost instantly recognizable, people in Goodwill programs are most likely not, and so a different approach for a video must be used.

An idea that I am still formulating would be to have a multi-part video series that just tells the story of one person. The first few videos would tell the story of how life was before Goodwill, the next set would show how Goodwill helped them back on their feet, and the final videos would show how far this person has gone since going through the Goodwill program. If the first few videos can be very emotionally hooking then I think people will really want to see the rest of the videos.

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