Thursday, April 19, 2012's Game Changing Company Culture

Amazon is a customer centric company.

Most everyone from Seattle is familir with the Amazon company, but do they know how they changed the face of business? What makes a game changer is the fact that they were among the first to fulfill the dream to have their clients and users have the ability to discover whatever it is they are looking for online (with the exception of illegal goods and services). is knownas a pioneer in online retailing, but many do not know that they got their start in the online book-retail sector. Now almost anything you can legally buy in a store you can buy on Further, the new software that Amazon has integrated allows users to simply click-to-buy. This feature is available because users that choose to implement this feature enteir their personal bank information and it is saved securely to amazons servers, so that later when visiting and logging in bank information is not needd to be netered again. That does not mean you can't choose where you want to have your package delivered and other popular options for recieving the product.

Jeff Bezos is the founder of Amazon. He has acted as a catalyst for change in the Amazon company, and is recognized as one of the major reasons that the company culture at amazon is the way it is.

From , former Guide, on's company culture:

[Customer Obsession: We start with the customer and work backwards.
Innovation: If you don't listen to your customers you will fail. But if you only listen to your customers you will also fail.
Bias for Action: We live in a time of unheralded revolution and insurmountable opportunity--provided we make every minute count.
Ownership: Ownership matters when you're building a great company. Owners think long-term, plead passionately for their projects and ideas, and are empowered to respectfully challenge decisions.
High Hiring Bar: When making a hiring decision we ask ourselves: "Will I admire this person? Will I learn from this person? Is this person a superstar?"
Frugality: We spend money on things that really matter and believe that frugality breeds resourcefulness, self-sufficiency, and invention!]


Laura Schneider, former Guide. (n.d.). Company Research. Retrieved from Tech Careers:

Stone, B. (September 28, 2011, 9:35 AM EDT). Technology. Retrieved from Bloomberg Businessweek:

Ten Products and Companies that Changed the Business World. (n.d.). Retrieved 2012, from CNBC:
From Reference: [
It started as just an online bookstore, but as Amazon has grown, it has proven a threat to the entire retail spectrum. By not having to worry about rent prices, the company can offer lower prices and remain extraordinarily profitable. Even retail king Wal-Mart has felt the heat, launching a series of price wars beginning in 2009 (especially during the holidays) and becoming much more competitive in the online space.]

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