Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Evan's Final Reflections

This class has been intriguing on a number of levels. I would like to explore three ideas and notions covered in this course which I found to be particularly engaging.

There is a single overarching takeaway I drew from our study of Internet marketing. This lesson centers on the importance of embracing change, in marketing and in all facets of life. Internet marketing epitomizes the idea of a rapidly changing landscape ripe with opportunities. That being so, it is still a new arena where many people are uncomfortable or simply refuse to enter. Rejecting shifts, no matter what stage they may be in, is not a sustainable practice for any individual or enterprise. Rather than spectating on the sidelines or remaining ignorant, the best result and greatest success results from diving in and exploring for yourself. The true potential of something so vast and quickly changing can only be appreciated through a first person account. There is something for everybody, but equally importantly--you must make the initial leap then carefully pursue relevant and interesting emergence's while filtering all the background noise. Soon the Internet and its multifarious platforms will be central to all matters and dealings. Neglecting this reality for the comfort of contemporary practice is crippling.

On a more practical level, this class helped to clarify a defining characteristic of Internet marketing which has led to its pervasive success. I am writing of the new found power to target individuals, with specific interests and perspectives, on a broad scale and in an efficient manner.  The Internet helps to satisfy peoples needs virtually, and supports peer to peer transactions online, but the Internet is beginning to play an increasingly important role in connecting the physical and virtual realities. This capacity to connect with people on the go, in customized ways and through mobile outlets is fantastic. The potential to return to "small town rules" empowered by Internet marketing promises a future rich with hope for a renewal of humanity. The Internet will help us get our touch back, to get back to our roots, to think globally like never before while acting locally in a historic and sustainable fashion.

This leads to the third and final lesson gleaned from ECIS 462. Marketing in general and Internet marketing in particular have so many purposes and objectives beyond facilitating ubiquitous  blind consumerism. While this is at its core, especially in many opinions, it has greater potential. Internet marketin can be the avenue toward more sustainable and humane practices. Connecting the physical and virtual realms through multiple channels will surely be integral in our progress forward. This makes embracing the change purveyed by internet marketing all the more important.

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