Saturday, March 31, 2012

Why I "Like" Portlandia and Cupcake Royale

I normally ignore any updates on my Facebook newsfeed from businesses that I "like." I don't even make a habit of liking pages on Facebook. In fact, I find it annoying when most of a person's updates are related to pages they like. It's a gimmick I haven't quite bought into, because Facebook was originally a place for people and more importantly friends. Recently, however, it has become an opportunity for businesses to build community around their brands, which can be great if it is done effectively. 

Most of the pages I presently like are the result of newer versions of Facebook turning the interests I listed when I originally created my account into likes. Two pages, however, are exceptions: Portlandia, an IFC television show, and Cupcake Royale, a local Seattle business.

Although I follow Portlandia on Twitter, I didn't actually like the Facebook page until I read a tweet that you could preview a scene from an upcoming season. Intrigued, I visited the page and realized that I couldn't actually view the clip until I had liked the page. I hesitated, but decided that I like the program and the two writers/lead actors, plus their tweets were always entertaining. I liked the page, and was not disappointed.

I have remained a fan because the Portlandia page posts what I want to read. Their content is meaningful to me, concise, and funny. They advertise upcoming celebrity appearances on the show, previous popular clips, where you can see Fred and Carrie (the writers) next, etc. It feels personal, as though the Portlandia page allows me to converse with Fred and Carrie themselves.

Here is the clip that originally drew me in:


Cupcake Royale's page was something I liked because I felt I should add some pages to my interests. I'm pretty sure I was actually in the shop trying to do homework and was instead taking some time to revise my info page.

Unlike some of the other pages I like which either provide updates I purposefully ignore or just none at all, Cupcake Royale posts highly relevant information. Most of them are promotions for new flavors of cupcakes, coupons, reminders to attend cupcake happy hour, or notices that a flavor will be discontinued. 

I enjoy following this page because it is clearly geared towards fan appreciation and not shameless self-promotion. For example, a recent post read: "We have the BEST Facebook Fans- and we like to reward you every month with our FB coupon for the Cupcake of the Month!" That's it: Just click on the picture, print the coupon, and bring it to the store.

Both pages do an excellent job of meeting the expectations that fans (or at least I myself) have of Facebook pages. Portlandia enriches my experience with the show by making me feel more connected to the writers/actors as people. Cupcake Royale is committed to providing incentives for me (in a personable way, too)  to continue purchasing from them. Portlandia and Cupcake Royale enrich my experience with their products while not overly commercializing my Facebook experience.

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